Social Value US formally incorporates

APRIL 11, 2017

After operating through less formal collaboration among volunteers since 2014, Social Value US reached a milestone on April 11, 2017 by receiving formal recognition as a nonprofit corporation registered with the state of Arizona.

Our mission is to:

  • Maximize the positive effects and minimize the negative effects of organized human action—in all sectors—on society
  • Improve the ways organizations collect, analyze, and interpret data for the purpose of developing a complete understanding of their social impacts
  • Ensure that intended and unintended social impacts reflect the values of the widest range of stakeholders, including those who typically do not have a strong voice in society

SV-US will connect individuals, serve its members, and support their learning, growth, and influence as we will build a movement to change the way society accounts for value.

Joining SV-US will be of interest to people with a broad range of perspectives who will work with us to put the organization’s guiding principles into practice, including but not limited to:

  • Accountants
  • Investors
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Environmental organizations
  • Evaluators

At the core of our work are The Seven Principles of Social Value. The Principles provide the necessary building blocks for anyone who wants to make decisions that take a wider definition of value into account, in order to increase equality, improve wellbeing and increase environmental sustainability. They are generally accepted social accounting principles.

The Seven Principles:

  1. Involve stakeholders – Inform what gets measured and how this is measured and valued in an account of social value by involving stakeholders.
  2. Understand what changes – Articulate how change is created and evaluate this through evidence gathered, recognizing positive and negative changes as well as those that are intended and unintended.
  3. Value the things that matter – Making decisions about allocating resources between different options needs to recognize the values of stakeholders. Value refers to the relative importance of different outcomes. It is informed by stakeholders’ preferences.
  4. Only include what is material – Determine what information and evidence must be included in the accounts to give a true and fair picture, such that stakeholders can draw reasonable conclusions about impact.
  5. Do not over-claim – Only claim the value that activities are responsible for creating.
  6. Be transparent – Demonstrate the basis on which the analysis may be considered accurate and honest, and show that it will be reported to and discussed with stakeholders.
  7. Verify the result – Ensure appropriate independent assurance.

The first Board strategy retreat was held in Breckenridge, Colorado on Earth Day, April 22, 2017.